After 11 months of being so far away, I'm finally in the same time zone as my fiance Duarte! We got engaged on July 20th via long distance, and after five more months of waiting he picked me up at Logan airport on Dec 20th. I had been travelling for 20 hours after having woken up at 4am in Manchester to catch a 7 hour long bus ride to London Heathrow, being delayed at Victoria station and then being delayed in London due to fog. My flight arrived an hour and a half late, but when I came out of the gate with my 120 lbs of luggage (wedding stuff), Duarte was waiting for me with a single red rose. He had one foot up against the wall and a huge smile. It was so amazing to hug him after 11 months! We wandered around the airport going the wrong ways and walking towards the wrongs exits for a while cause we were both in a daze that we were finally together in the same place. Eventually we found where he parked his car.
I was incredibly tired, but Duarte managed to keep me awake til 6am Boston time with a whole evening he had planned for me. While I got ready, he cooked up a gourmet meal. He made me close my eyes and led me into the dining room, which was set up with candles and another red rose lying on the lacy white table cloth. Romantic jazz music was playing in the background. He had found my favorite flavor of hummus, sun dried tomato and basil, and set it up with green and black olives. There was also Portuguese cheese, crackers, and Portuguese red wine. Next were the baked stuffed tomatoes and the tossed salad with homemade dressing. I barely touched the tomatoes and the salad because I was really enjoying the hummus and crackers. Then came the main course, filet mignon with mushrooms and carmelized onions. Mmmm! I didn't know he was such a good cook. :)
Dessert was strawberries dipped in dark chocolate. This was followed by another surprise. Duarte, who is not a dancer (yet!), had collected a selection of salsa music (my favorite) and made space downstairs that we could have a little dance floor. After a few latin songs he slowed down the music. He had set up candles there as well. I was deliriously tired but there's no way I could have fallen asleep after waiting so long to see my future husband. Since we had already talked in July about how we felt about each other, and decided to get married, he had gone to meet my parents and found out about what kind of engagement ring I would like. So now, five months later, while we were dancing, he took out the ring and slipped it on my finger while reminiscing about the day we had gotten engaged.
See pics of us togethere here: