Monday, March 13, 2006

You put your right foot in....

Last sunday a few friends and I headed east to Wagah, and the Indian border. We don't have Indian visas so we weren't expected to cross over, but we had wanted to see the border closing ceremony. Unfortunately we arrived about 20 minutes after it had ended, so instead we just sweet talked some guards into letting us "cross the line." All the guards are over 6 feet tall and wear these HUGE hats with peacock style plumes. They are incredibly serious. Not long ago the Pakis and Indians were shooting each other over this line. Now the border is open and some official talk has opened up as well. One of the army commanders escorted us to the border area where we could just go under a railing and be in India. He said, "I can let you go to India without even having a visa!" He meant that we could stick out feet under the railing and touch the country south of the partition. So both my feet have been in India, although not both at the same time cause I would have fallen right under the railing. The guards would have had a fit if that happened! I felt like I was doing the hokey pokey. You put your right foot in, you take your right foot out...

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